Quick Support

Our team is based all over the world, in places including the United States of America, The United Kingdom, and Australia, so we are able to provide around the clock support.


When you apply for a Free Crew Center, it comes with a free installation by our professional team, in less than 2 days!


We host your Flare Crew Center for free... no hidden charges anywhere!

By The Numbers.

  • 1

    Hosting Service For Infinite Flight Crew Centers

  • 3

    Staff Members

  • 86

    Total Virtual Airlines

Flexibility and Customization

Are our middle names.

Stellar Support.

We have a Discord based support team, up all hours of the day to help you with any technical issues you may encounter.

Count On Us.

We are quick. We offer a 2-day guarantee, in which your crew center will be up and running less than 48 hours after you apply.

Save Money.

Our service is 100% free, so you will save a lot of money, rather than paying for a hosting service.

Meet The Team

We glow all the way up

Zac P

CEO/Founder - VAHost


Flare & VANet Developer

Get In Touch


Urgent Message To VAHost Customers

Hello VAHost Customer, Currently, anybody with a crew center using a .ifcrewcenter.com domain will see a 403 error on the website. We are working with the provider to rectify this situation. For right now, it is impossible for us to provide you with any information or ETA to fix this. We will let you know as soon as we know more. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for your patience. - Zac